Cnn news the Severe Patent infringers
End User and Developer License Requirements for CNN Reporters by TV Knows, Inc.
End User and Developer License Requirements for CNN Reporters by TV Knows, Inc.

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TV Knows, Inc.
Las Vegas, NV 89110
March 31, 2023

CNN News
Turner Broadcasting System, Inc.
One CNN Center
Atlanta,GA, 30303

Re: End User and Developer License Requirements for CNN Reporters

Dear Sir/Madam,

I am writing to inform you of the requirements for the use of live streaming video technology that can be picked up on a cell phone in the United States of America, which is protected by my patents, U.S. Patent No. 10,958,961 B2 and U.S. Patent No. 10,205,986 B2. As the owner of these patents, I hold exclusive rights to the use of this technology.

In order to legally stream any kind of live streaming video that can be picked up on a cell phone in the United States of America, all CNN reporters must obtain an End User License from my company, TV Knows, Inc. This license can be purchased at our website,

Additionally, if CNN is live streaming off of their own platform rather than through YouTube or another platform, CNN is required to purchase a Developer License from my company. The cost of this license is three percent of your annual revenue and it can only be purchased by contacting the CEO of TV Knows, Inc. by phone, phone text or email at: 702-592-5939 - email:

I urge you to inform all of your reporters of these requirements and to ensure that they comply with them in order to avoid any potential legal issues related to patent infringement.

Thank you for your attention to this matter.


Gabriel De La Vega Jr.

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